
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
50500Huallaga Huánuco Quechua qamkunaWeber (1989)
50452French (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands Dialect)vouzHighfield (1979)
50404UragimiCrowley (1999)
50356Big Nambaskam̼i Fox (1979)
50308SinaugoroɣomiTauberschmidt (1999)
50260Rapa Nuikoɾua Du Feu (1996)
50212Malayanda Othman and Atmosumarto (1995)
50164Greeksas Pring (1950)
50123Yanomamakahə wamakɨMigliazza (1972)
50080Cubeobɨ̃hãreMorse and Maxwell (1999)
50032MonomaangEvans (2015)
49984Bannoni-miEvans (2015)
49936TeopamEvans (2015)
49888ToraunimuEvans (2015)
49840YukultakilwanciKeen (1983)
49792Iwaidja (Iwaidja Dialect)nuwuriEvans pc ()
49744Seselwa Creole FrenchzotCorne (1977)
49696Antigua and Barbuda Creole English (South Antiguan Dialect)aayuFarquhar (1974)
49648Antigua and Barbuda Creole English (North Antiguan Dialect)aayuFarquhar (1974)
49600Sãotomense ˈnãse The form ‘nãˈse’ is also listed as a free variant (Ferraz 1979:62).Ferraz (1979)
49552Berbice Dutch Creolejɛndɛ Kouwenberg (1994)
49504UrdutumkoBhatia and Koul (2000)
49456Paraguayan Guaranípene-This form is only used with third person subjects, while the alternate form 'po-' is used only with first person subjects (Gregores and Suárez 1967:131-2).Gregores and Suárez (1967)
49408Jamaican Creole English (London Dialect)unuSutcliffe (1982)
49360TarianaihɑnɑAikhenvald (2003)
49312PanareaməentonThe form ‘aɲimonton’ is also listed (Payne 2013:88). Payne (2013)
49264Ketə́kŋ Georg (2006)
49216Kham (Western Parbate) (Takale Dialect)je:Watters (2002)
49168North Marquesankoʔuɑ Cablitz (2006)
49120Tauyaten=MacDonald (2013)
49072Yorubají̃Bamgbose (1966)
49024TswanalonɑThe forms 'ɲena' and ' lenɑ' are also listed (Cole 1955:128). Cole (1955)
48976KawaiisumumiaZigmond et al. (1990)
48928TurkmenθiðiDulling (1960)
48880AmharicɨnnantɨnAppleyard (2013)
48832Mongolian (Halh Dialect)tanarɪgGaunt and Bayarmandakh (2004)
48784KaondeanwebaWright (2008)
48736KiowaámAdger et al. (2008)
48688Iraqi Arabic-kum Erwin (1963)
48640Maveakam̋imGuérin (2011)
48592Kokota=gauPalmer (2009)
48544South Efate-musThieberger (2006)
48496Indonesian (Colloquial Jakartan Dialect)eluSneddon (2006)
48448SudestghemiLynch et al. (2002)
48400Gapapaiwa-miLynch et al. (2002)
48352GapapaiwatamiLynch et al. (2002)
48270Yabemaom-àʔLynch et al. (2002)
48186Arop-LokepangLynch et al. (2002)
48138Takia-aŋLynch et al. (2002)
48090Kairiru-qamLynch et al. (2002)