
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
50270Rapa Nuikoe Du Feu (1996)
49178North Marquesankoe Cablitz (2006)
25888Timugon MurutkouBrewis (2002)
31375Javanesekowe, sampeyan, panjenenganRobson (1992)
48554South Efateku=Thieberger (2006)
48237Arop-Lokepku-Lynch et al. (2002)
51422Daasanachkúo Tosco (2001)
32676RukaikusuLi (1973)
45234Iraqwkuúŋ 'kuúŋ' is in fact the 2SgM form, the 2SgF form is 'kiíŋ' (Nordbustad 1988).Nordbustad (1988)
41062SibelaOnishi (2004)
56188AkebuWolf (1907)
59375Cantoneselei˩˧Matthews and Yip (1994)
46386CantoneseléihThe form 'néih' is also listed (Yip 1999:17).Matthews and Yip (1994)
45522Khmer (Central Dialect)loːkHaiman (2011)
55674Kupang MalayluJacob and Grimes (2006)
61251Malay (Kupang Dialect)luSteinhauer (1983)
61203Malay (Alor Dialect)luBaird, Klamer & Kratochvíl (2004)
46954Ute-Southern Paiuteˈʔɯmɯ̥Givón (2011)
56988MayogoSawka (2001)
52458Sionamɨ'ʔɨWheeler (2000)
54620Tucanomɨʔɨ̂Ramirez (1997)
52978CoguimaOrtíz Ricaurte (2000)
42646MeriammaPiper (1989)
51987ArhuacomaFrank (1985)
57804Karaboro, Easternma˧Wichser (1994)
60380cora_ICR_TCC_2mʷãaCasad (1984)
50042MonomaitoEvans (2015)
44562Chimariko mamotJany (2009)
42598WipimmanDondorp and Shim (1997)
31207Sundamanehvan Syoc (1959)
24048KomnzombeDoehler ()
59522KánchámbənEvans et al (2017)
23339Warta ThundaimbiQuinn ()
40465SkouDonohue (2011)
56892Gbaya-Mbodomomɛ˥Boyd (1997)
53637Nukak MakúmɛɛmBolaños and Epps (2009)
53589Kakuamèém, ma-Bolaños and Epps (2009)
40513WarapumĕmáCorris (2005)
55096Baga SitemumənaWilson (2007)
47098YimasmiFoley (2005)
40558VanimomiRoss (1980)
44850WappomiʔThompson et al. (2006)
41398KwomamiitaKooyers (1974)
57996Warami, m˩Prost (1968)
41350MendemirHoel et al. (1994)
32422TagalogmoSchachter and Otanes (1972)
57036ZandemoGore (1926)
57948Tiéfomo˧Winkelmann (1998)
56940Ngbandimɔ˩Toronzoni (1989)
57132Mumuye (Zing Dialect)mɔ̀Shimizu (1983)