
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
22778TamilatuAnnamalai and Steever (1998)
42410KoitabuaukaDutton (1975)
59994Mundari-ICR-LBayOsada (1992)
60282Mundari-ICR-KQayOsada (1992)
60451Mundari_ICR_TCCayOsada (1992)
52067TeribebaQuesada (2000)
54892Balanta-KentohebaanWilson (1961)
52442Sionaʔɨ̃/ 'ba / hã'ʔa / 'geWheeler (2000)
47502Badimaya (Northern Dialect)baluDunn (1988)
47550Badimaya (Southern Dialect)baluDunn (1988)
42451BunaqbaqiSchapper (2009)
47218GadsupbeRoss (1995)
40545VanimoRoss (1980)
58168YomBeacham (1968)
57836Viemobe, bəProst (1979)
47266Tairora, NorthbiRoss (1995)
61512Malay (Larantuka Dialect)bicudia is neutral, bicu is male, and bica is female.Paauw (2009)
59410Arammba (Setavi Dialect)binɛEvans et al (2017)
54563YuwanabiyuLabrada (2016)
22622TaemeboTama (2013)
22550IdiboEvans (2013)
40497WarapuCorris (2005)
43335EndebogoEvans (2014)
49258KetbūGeorg (2006)
54229CamsáčaChindoy (1962)
33083PaiwancalmajuEgli (1990)
49786Iwaidja (Iwaidja Dialect)canatEvans pc ()
27660FrenchceHarris (1988)
44834Wappocepʰi ‘cepʰi’ is in fact the distal form, the proximal form is ‘hepʰi’ (Thompson, Park and, Li 2006:25).Thompson et al. (2006)
33292ThaocicuWang (2004)
33151AmisciŋraWu (2006)
27592OccitançòWheeler (1988b)
43191IngushcuoNichols (2011)
46130Pashto (Northern Dialect)David (2014)
44978BrahuidaːdAndronov (2006)
29316Yorta Yortadaluk, nulgulayaBowe and Morey (1999)
61603Kafoadeed, da, do, geBaird (ToAppear2017)
28009Danishdethan is the masculine form, det is the neuter form, and hun is the feminine form.Harbert (2007)
31397Javanesedheweke, piyambakipun, panjenenganipunRobson (1992)
32119AbuidiKratochvíl (2007)
38252AbuidiKratochvíl (2007)
58408Mbelimbedi˩Neukom (2004)
59850Indonesian (Standard Dialect)diaQuinn ()
61411Malay (Manado Dialect)diaPaauw (2009)
61331Malay (North-Moluccan Dialect)diaTaylor (1983)
48490Indonesian (Colloquial Jakartan Dialect)diaSneddon (2006)
61235Malay (Kupang Dialect)diaSteinhauer (1983)
55658Kupang MalaydiaJacob and Grimes (2006)
50206Malaydia Othman and Atmosumarto (1995)
61459Malay (Banda Dialect)dia, antuaPaauw (2009)