
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
42025OrokoloareBrown (1972)
30533Western DaniatBarclay (2008)
22779TamilatuAnnamalai and Steever (1998)
42409KoitabuaukaDutton (1975)
60281Mundari-ICR-KQayOsada (1992)
60470Mundari_ICR_TCCayOsada (1992)
59993Mundari-ICR-LBayOsada (1992)
52066TeribebaQuesada (2000)
22184NenEvans (2013)
22326NambuEvans (2013)
35960NenEvans (2013)
54891Balanta-KentohebaanWilson (1961)
26132NemeEvans (2012)
52441Sionaʔɨ̃/ 'ba / hã'ʔa / 'geWheeler (2000)
47501Badimaya (Northern Dialect)baluDunn (1988)
47549Badimaya (Southern Dialect)baluDunn (1988)
42452BunaqbaqiSchapper (2009)
47217GadsupbeRoss (1995)
59649DrebeEvans et al (2017)
40544VanimoRoss (1980)
58167YomBeacham (1968)
57835Viemobe, bəProst (1979)
47265Tairora, NorthbiRoss (1995)
59409Arammba (Setavi Dialect)biEvans et al (2017)
61511Malay (Larantuka Dialect)bicudia is neutral, bicu is male, and bica is female.Paauw (2009)
54562YuwanabiyuLabrada (2016)
22623TaemeboTama (2013)
22551IdiboEvans (2013)
40496WarapuCorris (2005)
43334EndebogoEvans (2014)
49257KetbūGeorg (2006)
54228CamsáčaChindoy (1962)
49785Iwaidja (Iwaidja Dialect)canatEvans pc ()
27661FrenchceHarris (1988)
44833Wappocepʰi ‘cepʰi’ is in fact the distal form, the proximal form is ‘hepʰi’ (Thompson, Park and, Li 2006:25).Thompson et al. (2006)
33293ThaocicuWang (2004)
33152AmisciŋraWu (2006)
27593OccitançòWheeler (1988b)
46129Pashto (Northern Dialect)David (2014)
29317Yorta YortadaBowe and Morey (1999)
32123Abuida-Kratochvíl (2007)
38255Abuida-Kratochvíl (2007)
44977BrahuidaːdAndronov (2006)
32121Abuide-Kratochvíl (2007)
61602Kafoadeed, da, do, geBaird (ToAppear2017)
28010Danishdethan is the masculine form, det is the neuter form, and hun is the feminine form.Harbert (2007)
31398Javanesedheweke, piyambakipun, panjenenganipunRobson (1992)
38253AbuidiKratochvíl (2007)
32120AbuidiKratochvíl (2007)
58407Mbelimbedi˩Neukom (2004)