26566 | Czech | ono | on is the form for masculine animates and inantimate arguments, ono is the form for neuter arguments, and ona is the form for feminine arguments. | | Short (1993a) | |
26872 | Cassubian | ono | | | Stone (1993a) | |
26498 | Slovene | óno | | | Priestly (1993) | |
26430 | Serbian/Croatian | òno | | | Browne (1993) | |
23596 | Russian | onó | | | Pulkina (1975) | |
53944 | Yukpa | or | | | Segovia (1999) | |
49545 | Berbice Dutch Creole | ori, o, a | | | Kouwenberg (1994) | |
51021 | Ekegusii | orɔ | | | Cammenga (2002) | |
41658 | Mehek | osa | | | Paulon et al. (2002) | |
56267 | Adioukrou | ow˩ | | | Hérault (1978) | |
44881 | Ao Naga (Mongsen Dialect) | pa | | | Coupe (2008) | |
52306 | Inga | paj | | | Levinsohn & Janasoy (2000) | |
50493 | Huallaga Huánuco Quechua | paj | | | Weber (1989) | |
26064 | Watjarri | palu | | | Douglas (1981) | |
25560 | Wangkajunga | palunya | | | Jones (2011) | |
40448 | Skou | pe | | | Donohue (2011) | |
45745 | Cupeño | pəʔ | | | Hill (2005) | |
51645 | Cupeño | pəʔ | | | Hill (2005) | |
54371 | Mandahuaca | péjha | | | Ramirez (2001) | |
42121 | Biangai | pi | | | Dubert and Dubert (1978) | |
42169 | Kunimaipa | pi | | | Geary (1977) | |
23360 | Warta Thundai | pi | | | Quinn () | |
22711 | Ngkolmpu | pi | | | Carroll (2013) | |
54136 | Guayabero | piha | | | Ortiz (1989) | |
44545 | Chimariko | pʰɑʔmot | | | Jany (2009) | |
52721 | Macaguán | ponɯ | | | Lobo-Guerrero and Herrera (2000) | |
61921 | Macaguán | ponɯ | | | Lobo-Guerrero and Herrera (2000) | |
54088 | Guahibo | powa | | | Queixalós (2000) | |
44641 | Old Hittite | ɑpɑ̄š | The form 'ɑpɑš' is also listed (Hoffner Jr and Melcher 2008:133-4). | | Hoffner Jr and Melcher (2008) | |
41525 | Alamblak | rët | | | Bruce (1984) | |
57019 | Zande | ri | | | Gore (1926) | |
52769 | Achagua | ruʝa | | | Lozano (2000) | |
53668 | Yucuna | ruká | | | Yukuna, Yukuna, Schauer and Schauer (2005) | |
32605 | Ida'an | rumo | | | Goudswaard (2005) | |
41477 | Kapriman | sɨ | | | Sumbuk (1999) | |
33475 | Adang | sa | | | Haan (2001) | |
38489 | Adang | sa | | | Haan (2001) | |
41285 | Sepik Iwam | saeya | | | Conrad (1993) | |
58693 | Tikar | sɛ˧ | | | Stanley (1991) | |
60795 | Mekens-ICR-RH | sete, te | | | Vilacy (2001) | |
41093 | English | ši: | | | OED (2013) | |
48969 | Kawaiisu | siʔina | | | Zigmond et al. (1990) | |
41381 | Kwoma | siita | | | Kooyers (1974) | |
41333 | Mende | sir | | | Hoel et al. (1994) | |
32443 | Tagalog | siya | | | Schachter and Otanes (1972) | |
34670 | Cebuano | siya | | | Wolff (1965) | |
52817 | Curripaco | srúɑ | | | Mosonyi (2000) | |
48873 | Amharic | ɨsswa | The form /ɨrswa/ is also listed (Appleyard 2013:26). | | Appleyard (2013) | |
54651 | Páez | tʲã: | | | Jung (2008) | |
45121 | Hausa | ta | | | Newman (2000) | |