
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
41480KaprimanSumbuk (1999)
50076Cubeoɨ̃reMorse and Maxwell (1999)
41528AlamblakrërBruce (1984)
41192Rotokasrerarera is masculine; oira is feminine; va is neuter.Firchow (1987)
41432AwtuwreyeFeldman (1986)
41616Yessan-MayoriForeman (1974)
41384KwomariitanaKooyers (1974)
53671YucunarikáYukuna, Yukuna, Schauer and Schauer (2005)
32598Ida'anrumoGoudswaard (2005)
57070Mambay-˩ru˥, -˩wu˥low tone on verb stemAnonby (2008)
33453Adangsa-Haan (2001)
26193Inanwatan-saide Vries (2004)
33455AdangsariHaan (2001)
38467AdangsariHaan (2001)
56830Banda-Ndélésə˩Sampson (1997)
45124Hausashi Newman (2000)
48972KawaiisusiʔinajaZigmond et al. (1990)
41288Sepik IwamsirConrad (1993)
48876AmharicɨssunAppleyard (2013)
43145Standard Arabic taRyding (2005)
54654Páeztʲã:Jung (2008)
53384Nadëbta-Bolaños and Epps (2009)
42910MandarinHyslop (2014)
45844WaraotaiRomero-Figeroa (1997)
35662SanskrittamEgenes (2006)
60188Mekens-ICR-WBteVilacy Galucio, Ana. 2001 ()
60414Mekens_ICR_TCCteGalucio (2001)
44836Wappote Thompson et al. (2006)
33005SirayateniAdelaar (2011)
53479YuhuptɨhBolaños and Epps (2009)
53527Hupdëtɨ᷆hBolaños and Epps (2009)
46084KaingangtiThe form '-n' is also listed (Wiesemann 1972:101).Wiesemann (1972)
53431DâwtihBolaños and Epps (2009)
42584WipimtinDondorp and Shim (1997)
52213Boratì-ːpʲɛ thɛ̀ is an inanimated form, as a third genderThiesen & Weber (2012)
53767KotiriatíróWaltz and Waltz (2000)
50160Greekton /ton/ is the 3SG masculine form. The neuter form is /to/ (Pring 1950:54).Pring (1950)
58836Izere (Fobur Dialect)Lukas and Willms (1961)
54279ResígarotʃúRamirez (2000)
48348GapapaiwatunaLynch et al. (2002)
48828Mongolian (Halh Dialect)tuuniigGaunt and Bayarmandakh (2004)
58314MampruliuKropp Dakubu (1980)
43529Persian (Farsi) (Tehrani Dialect)uMahootian (1997)
62479Sénoufo, SupyireuCarlson (1994)
57262Fali-uEnnulat and Ennulat (1971)
43624Moroccan Arabic-uHarrell (1962)
51360JaraiɲuJensen (2014)
57790Karaboro, EasternWichser (1994)
58410MbelimbeNeukom (2004)
58456AkpesAgoyi (2001)