41480 | Kapriman | rɨ | | | Sumbuk (1999) | |
50076 | Cubeo | ɨ̃re | | | Morse and Maxwell (1999) | |
41528 | Alamblak | rër | | | Bruce (1984) | |
41192 | Rotokas | rera | rera is masculine; oira is feminine; va is neuter. | | Firchow (1987) | |
41432 | Awtuw | reye | | | Feldman (1986) | |
41616 | Yessan-Mayo | ri | | | Foreman (1974) | |
41384 | Kwoma | riitana | | | Kooyers (1974) | |
53671 | Yucuna | riká | | | Yukuna, Yukuna, Schauer and Schauer (2005) | |
32598 | Ida'an | rumo | | | Goudswaard (2005) | |
57070 | Mambay | -˩ru˥, -˩wu˥ | low tone on verb stem | | Anonby (2008) | |
33453 | Adang | sa- | | | Haan (2001) | |
26193 | Inanwatan | -sai | | | de Vries (2004) | |
33455 | Adang | sari | | | Haan (2001) | |
38467 | Adang | sari | | | Haan (2001) | |
56830 | Banda-Ndélé | sə˩ | | | Sampson (1997) | |
45124 | Hausa | shi | | | Newman (2000) | |
48972 | Kawaiisu | siʔinaja | | | Zigmond et al. (1990) | |
41288 | Sepik Iwam | sir | | | Conrad (1993) | |
48876 | Amharic | ɨssun | | | Appleyard (2013) | |
43145 | Standard Arabic | ta | | | Ryding (2005) | |
54654 | Páez | tʲã: | | | Jung (2008) | |
53384 | Nadëb | ta- | | | Bolaños and Epps (2009) | |
42910 | Mandarin | tā | | | Hyslop (2014) | |
45844 | Warao | tai | | | Romero-Figeroa (1997) | |
35662 | Sanskrit | tam | | | Egenes (2006) | |
60188 | Mekens-ICR-WB | te | | | Vilacy Galucio, Ana. 2001 () | |
60414 | Mekens_ICR_TCC | te | | | Galucio (2001) | |
44836 | Wappo | te | | | Thompson et al. (2006) | |
33005 | Siraya | teni | | | Adelaar (2011) | |
53479 | Yuhup | tɨh | | | Bolaños and Epps (2009) | |
53527 | Hupdë | tɨ᷆h | | | Bolaños and Epps (2009) | |
46084 | Kaingang | ti | The form '-n' is also listed (Wiesemann 1972:101). | | Wiesemann (1972) | |
53431 | Dâw | tih | | | Bolaños and Epps (2009) | |
42584 | Wipim | tin | | | Dondorp and Shim (1997) | |
52213 | Bora | tì-ːpʲɛ | thɛ̀ is an inanimated form, as a third gender | | Thiesen & Weber (2012) | |
53767 | Kotiria | tíró | | | Waltz and Waltz (2000) | |
50160 | Greek | ton | /ton/ is the 3SG masculine form. The neuter form is /to/ (Pring 1950:54). | | Pring (1950) | |
58836 | Izere (Fobur Dialect) | tú | | | Lukas and Willms (1961) | |
54279 | Resígaro | tʃú | | | Ramirez (2000) | |
48348 | Gapapaiwa | tuna | | | Lynch et al. (2002) | |
48828 | Mongolian (Halh Dialect) | tuuniig | | | Gaunt and Bayarmandakh (2004) | |
58314 | Mampruli | u | | | Kropp Dakubu (1980) | |
43529 | Persian (Farsi) (Tehrani Dialect) | u | | | Mahootian (1997) | |
62479 | Sénoufo, Supyire | u | | | Carlson (1994) | |
57262 | Fali | -u | | | Ennulat and Ennulat (1971) | |
43624 | Moroccan Arabic | -u | | | Harrell (1962) | |
51360 | Jarai | ɲu | | | Jensen (2014) | |
57790 | Karaboro, Eastern | u˧ | | | Wichser (1994) | |
58410 | Mbelimbe | u˩ | | | Neukom (2004) | |
58456 | Akpes | ū | | | Agoyi (2001) | |