
IDLanguageEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
51918CabecarhiéwáMargery Peña (1989)
54316CabiyarínʰéRamirez (2001)
60997Cantonesekɵi˩˧dei˧Matthews and Yip (1994)
46361CantonesekéuihdeihThe form 'héuihdeih' is also listed (Yip 1999:17).Matthews and Yip (1994)
52345CarijonaməkamoroMoreno (2000)
55305CassanganaanaWilson (2007)
37378CassubianoniStone (1993a)
37379CassubianonëStone (1993a)
37324CatalanellsWheeler (1988a)
37518CebuanosilaWolff (1965)
53888ChachiyailaFloyd (2010)
43278Chadian Spoken Arabic (Nigerian Dialect)humma'humma' is the 3dM form. 3dF is 'hinna' (Owens 1993:83).Owens (1993)
37325ChamorrosihaTopping (1973)
50917Chichewaiwo Bentley and Kulemeka (2001)
44537Chimariko pʰaʔmotJany (2009)
53000Chimilanóuve, náːnu-raLozano (2000)
54176ChimilanoggweʔraAmaya (1996)
47024ChoctawyammakBroadwell (2006)
55349CobiananaanWilson (2007)
52953Coguikauiʒi kauiʒi as definite form and eikũẽ as indefiniteOrtíz Ricaurte (2000)
61093Cora - ICR - KQmamɨhnaCasad, Eugene H. ()
62006Cora-ICR-LBmamɨhnamamɨhna is a post-verbal plural demonstrative.Casad, Eugene (1984)
60835Cora-ICR-NEmamɨhnaCasad (1984)
60355cora_ICR_TCC_2aɨmehCasad (1984)
60129Cora-ICR-WBmaihna, mamɨhna, maɨhna, mu, mu'uCasad, Eugene H. ()
45929Crow∅-Graczyk (2007)
61020CrowíiluGraczyk (2007)
50065CubeodãMorse and Maxwell (1999)
52154CubeodãChacon (2012)
45737CupeñopəmHill (2005)
51638CupeñopəmHill (2005)
52809Curripaconɑ́ɑMosonyi (2000)
37347CzechoniShort (1993a)
51397DaasanachʰéTosco (2001)
58255Dagaarebanaba= is the +human clitic form. a= is the -human clitic form. bana is the strong +human form. ana is the strong -human form.Kropp Dakubu (2005)
37405DalabonbuluEvans et al. (2004)
55877Daloa Bétéwa˦Zogbo (2004)
37348DanishdeHarbert (2007)
43374Dargwa (Icari Dialect)it̄i Sumbatova and Mutalov (2003)
53420DâwhidBolaños and Epps (2009)
37509Dehuaŋat, ñudenite eð is the form for animals.Tryon (1967)
58873Denyaɛ̀bwɔ́Seguin (1998)
57155Dii (Mambe' Dialect)Bohnhoff (2010)
47685Diyarit̪anaAustin (1981)
37349DjapuwalalMorphy (1983)
37350DjinangjaniWaters (1989)
57347Dogon, JamsayHeath (2008)
51061Dogon, Tommo SoPlungian (1995)
59641DrebeEvans et al (2017)
37519DunakhunuSan Roque (2008)