659Cora - ICR - KQCasad, Eugene H. ()
655Cora-ICR-WBCasad, Eugene H. ()
473BorucaCastro (2007)
477CubeoChacon (2012)
312Bullom So Childs (2011)Free
524CamsáChindoy (1962)
576AkanChristaller (1875)Free
261Kaki AeClifton (1997)
247HewaCochran (1968)
407TswanaCole (1955)Free
241Sepik IwamConrad (1993)
226BukiyipConrad and Wogiga (1991)
469BribriConrad et al. (1978)
227MufianConrad et al. (1978)
470BribriConstenla et al. (1979)
468BribriConstenla et al. (1979)
465MalecuConstenla Umaña (1998)
330SarceeCook (1984)Free
422Seselwa Creole FrenchCorne (1977)Free
224WarapuCorris (2005)
318Ao Naga (Mongsen Dialect)Coupe (2008)Free
151SentaniCowan (1965)
218Sentani: cleanCowan (1965)
299North Levantine Arabic (Damascene Dialect)Cowell (1964)Free
486SirianoCriswell and Badrup (2000)
20PaameseCrowley (1982)
119AtampayaCrowley (1983)Free
120AngkamuthiCrowley (1983)Free
671YadhaykenuCrowley (1983)
436UraCrowley (1999)Free
346Pashto (Northern Dialect)David (2014)Free
212Kobon: cleanDavies (1981)Free
127KobonDavies (1981)Free
147MadureseDavies (2010)Free
160Bununde Busser (2009)Free
105MartuthuniraDench (1995)Free
348HixkaryánaDerbyshire (1979)Free
304Basque (Standard Dialect)de Rijk (2008)Free
598MakweDevos (2008)Free
148Kombaide Vries (1993)
253Kokodade Vries (2004)
252Puragide Vries (2004)
251Yahadiande Vries (2004)
66Inanwatande Vries (2004)Free
150Wambonde Vries and de Vries-Wiersma (1992)
511TsafikiDickinson (2002)
516TsafikiDickinson (2002)
350Northern Pumi (Northwest Yunnan Dialect)Ding (2014)Free
697YidinyDixon (1977)Free
670MpakwithiDixon (1981)