537ZuluDoke (1927)Free
585ZandeGore (1926)Free
531YuwanaLabrada (2016)
44YuwaalaraayWilliams (1980)Free
488YurutíKinch and Kinch (2000)
192YulparijaBurridge (1996)Free
424YukultaKeen (1983)Free
518YukpaSegovia (1999)
506YuhupBolaños and Epps (2009)
510YucunaYukuna, Yukuna, Schauer and Schauer (2005)
408YorubaBamgbose (1966)Free
121Yorta YortaBowe and Morey (1999)Free
612YomBeacham (1968)Free
693Yir-YorontAlpher (1973)Free
52YindjibarndiWordick (1982)Free
367YimasFoley (2005)Free
697YidinyDixon (1977)Free
448YeyiSeidel (2008)Free
248Yessan-MayoForeman (1974)
204YelmekBoelaars (1950)
698YeiCarroll, M.J. (2017)Free
51YawijibayaCapell and Coate (1984)
430YanomamaMigliazza (1972)
58YalarnngaBreen and Blake (2007)Free
251Yahadiande Vries (2004)
476YaguaPayne, Doris and Payne, Thomas (1990)
475YaguaPayne, Doris and Payne, Thomas (1990)
138YagariaRenck (1975)Free
671YadhaykenuCrowley (1983)
392YabemLynch et al. (2002)Bound
391YabemLynch et al. (2002)Free
107WunambalCarr (2000)Free
479Woun MeuFonegra (2000)
48WorrorraCapell and Coate (1984)Free
558WolofNgom (2003)Free
266WipimDondorp and Shim (1997)
49WilawilaCapell and Coate (1984)Free
134Western DaniBarclay (2008)
540West-Central LimbaMukarovsky (1962/1963)Free
663Welsh-ICR-NEKing (2003)
657Welsh-ICR-KQKing (2003)
497WayuuMansen and Captain (2000)
64WatjarriDouglas (1981)Free
141Wati-WatiBlake et al. (2011)Free
270WaskiaRoss (2014)
353WarunguTsunoda (2011)Free
19Warta ThundaiQuinn ()Free
189WarrnamboolBlake (2003)Free
63WargamayDixon (1981)Free
224WarapuCorris (2005)