Paradigm Details:

Language: (ycn) Yucuna.


System Type: None

Source: Yukuna, Yukuna, Schauer and Schauer (2005).

Comment: Most nouns that begin with ja- / heh / ji- lose this syllable in form to indicate possession.

Pronoun Paradigm:

  A S O Poss.
1st (excl) Person Singular nuká nuká nuká nu-
1st (excl) Person Dual weká weká weká we-
1st (excl) Person Plural weká weká weká we-
1st (incl) Person Dual weká weká weká we-
1st (incl) Person Plural weká weká weká we-
2nd Person Singular piká piká piká pi-
2nd Person Dual iká iká iká -i
2nd Person Plural iká iká iká -i
3rd Person Singular Gender 1 riká riká riká ri-
3rd Person Singular Gender 2 ruká ruká ruká ru-
3rd Person Dual neká neká neká ne-
3rd Person Plural neká neká neká ne-