
Glottocode: None
ISO 639: hau

Sources: Newman (2000)

Classification: Afro-Asiatic, Chadic, West, A, A.1



  A S O Poss.
1st (excl) Person Singular ni - ni - ni -nā
1st (excl) Person Dual mu mu mu -nmù
1st (excl) Person Plural mu mu mu -nmù
1st (incl) Person Dual mu mu mu -nmù
1st (incl) Person Plural mu mu mu -nmù
2nd Person Singular ka - ka - ka - -nkà -
2nd Person Dual ku ku ku -nkù
2nd Person Plural ku ku ku -nkù
3rd Person Singular Gender 1 ya ya shi -nsà -
3rd Person Singular Gender 2 ta ta ta -ntà -
3rd Person Dual su su su -nsù
3rd Person Plural su su su -nsù


IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
4514612du A (1st (incl) Person Dual)mu Newman (2000)
4514412du O (1st (incl) Person Dual)mu Newman (2000)
4514312du P (1st (incl) Person Dual)-nmùNewman (2000)
4514512du S (1st (incl) Person Dual)mu Newman (2000)
4514212pl A (1st (incl) Person Plural)mu Newman (2000)
4514012pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)mu Newman (2000)
4513912pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)-nmùNewman (2000)
4514112pl S (1st (incl) Person Plural)mu Newman (2000)
451541du A (1st (excl) Person Dual)mu Newman (2000)
451521du O (1st (excl) Person Dual)mu Newman (2000)
451511du P (1st (excl) Person Dual)-nmùNewman (2000)
451531du S (1st (excl) Person Dual)mu Newman (2000)
451501pl A (1st (excl) Person Plural)mu Newman (2000)
451481pl O (1st (excl) Person Plural)mu Newman (2000)
451471pl P (1st (excl) Person Plural)-nmùNewman (2000)
451491pl S (1st (excl) Person Plural)mu Newman (2000)
451581sg A (1st (excl) Person Singular)niThe forms 'in' and 'na' are also listed (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451561sg O (1st (excl) Person Singular)ni Newman (2000)
451551sg P (1st (excl) Person Singular)-nāNewman (2000)
451571sg S (1st (excl) Person Singular)niThe forms 'in' and 'na' are also listed (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451342du A (2nd Person Dual)ku Newman (2000)
451322du O (2nd Person Dual)ku Newman (2000)
451312du P (2nd Person Dual)-nkùNewman (2000)
451332du S (2nd Person Dual)ku Newman (2000)
451302pl A (2nd Person Plural)ku Newman (2000)
451282pl O (2nd Person Plural)ku Newman (2000)
451272pl P (2nd Person Plural)-nkùNewman (2000)
451292pl S (2nd Person Plural)ku Newman (2000)
451382sg A (2nd Person Singular)ka 'ka' is in fact the 2SgM form, the 2SgF form is 'ki' (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451362sg O (2nd Person Singular)ka 'ka' is in fact the 2SgM form, the 2SgF form is 'ki' (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451352sg P (2nd Person Singular)-nkà'-nkà' is in fact the 2SgM form, the 2SgF form is '-nkì' (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451372sg S (2nd Person Singular)ka 'ka' is in fact the 2SgM form, the 2SgF form is 'ki' (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451183d A (3rd Person Dual)su Newman (2000)
451163d O (3rd Person Dual)su Newman (2000)
451153d P (3rd Person Dual)-nsù Newman (2000)
451173d S (3rd Person Dual)su Newman (2000)
451143p A (3rd Person Plural)su Newman (2000)
451123p O (3rd Person Plural)su Newman (2000)
451113p P (3rd Person Plural)-nsù Newman (2000)
451133p S (3rd Person Plural)su Newman (2000)
451263sg M A (3rd Person Singular Masculine)ya Newman (2000)
451243sg M O (3rd Person Singular Masculine)shi Newman (2000)
451233sg M P (3rd Person Singular Masculine)-nsàThe forms '/-nshì' and '-nasà' are also listed (Newman 2000). Newman (2000)
451253sg M S (3rd Person Singular Masculine)ya Newman (2000)
451223sg N A (3rd Person Singular Neuter)ta Newman (2000)
451203sg N O (3rd Person Singular Neuter)ta Newman (2000)
451193sg N P (3rd Person Singular Neuter)-ntàThe form '-natà' is also listed (Newman 2000).Newman (2000)
451213sg N S (3rd Person Singular Neuter)ta Newman (2000)