
Glottocode: None
ISO 639: naw

Sources: Sherwood (1982)

Classification: Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, Kwa, Nyo, Potou-Tano, Tano, Guang, North Guang



  A S O Poss.
1st (excl) Person Singular Ǹ̩ - Ǹ̩ - mɛ̀ mə̀
1st (excl) Person Dual àN àN ànɛ́ anɛ
1st (excl) Person Plural àN àN ànɛ́ ànɛ́
1st (incl) Person Dual àN àN ànɛ́ ànɛ́
1st (incl) Person Plural àN àN ànɛ́ ànɛ́
2nd Person Singular
2nd Person Dual fàN fàN fànɛ́ fànɛ́
2nd Person Plural fàN fàN fànɛ́ fànɛ́
3rd Person Singular Gender 1 è è
3rd Person Singular Gender 2 kə̀ kə̀ kə̀mó
3rd Person Dual ɡ͡bà, ì ɡ͡bà, ì ɡ͡bàmó ɡ͡bàmó
3rd Person Plural ɡ͡bà, ì - ɡ͡bà, ì - ɡ͡bàmó - ɡ͡bàmó


IDWordEntryAnnotationLoanSourceSource Gloss
566831sg S (1st (excl) Person Singular)Ǹ̩Ǹ̩ is a syllabic nasal consonant homorganic with the following consonant.Sherwood (1982)
566841sg A (1st (excl) Person Singular)Ǹ̩Ǹ̩ is a syllabic nasal consonant homorganic with the following consonant.Sherwood (1982)
566503sg M O (3rd Person Singular Masculine)Sherwood (1982)
566453sg N P (3rd Person Singular Neuter)Sherwood (1982)
566493sg M P (3rd Person Singular Masculine)Sherwood (1982)
566821sg O (1st (excl) Person Singular)mɛ̀Sherwood (1982)
566811sg P (1st (excl) Person Singular)mə̀Sherwood (1982)
566463sg N O (3rd Person Singular Neuter)kə̀móSherwood (1982)
566483sg N A (3rd Person Singular Neuter)kə̀Sherwood (1982)
566473sg N S (3rd Person Singular Neuter)kə̀Sherwood (1982)
566632sg S (2nd Person Singular)Sherwood (1982)
566612sg P (2nd Person Singular)Sherwood (1982)
566622sg O (2nd Person Singular)Sherwood (1982)
566642sg A (2nd Person Singular)Sherwood (1982)
566542pl O (2nd Person Plural)fànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566582du O (2nd Person Dual)fànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566572du P (2nd Person Dual)fànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566532pl P (2nd Person Plural)fànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566552pl S (2nd Person Plural)fàNSherwood (1982)
566562pl A (2nd Person Plural)fàNSherwood (1982)
566592du S (2nd Person Dual)fàNSherwood (1982)
566602du A (2nd Person Dual)fàNSherwood (1982)
566523sg M A (3rd Person Singular Masculine)èSherwood (1982)
566513sg M S (3rd Person Singular Masculine)èSherwood (1982)
566383p O (3rd Person Plural)ɡ͡bàmóɡ͡bàmó is animate, émò is inanimate.Sherwood (1982)
566373p P (3rd Person Plural)ɡ͡bàmóSherwood (1982)
566413d P (3rd Person Dual)ɡ͡bàmóSherwood (1982)
566423d O (3rd Person Dual)ɡ͡bàmóSherwood (1982)
566403p A (3rd Person Plural)ɡ͡bà, ìɡ͡bà is animate. ì is inanimate.Sherwood (1982)
566443d A (3rd Person Dual)ɡ͡bà, ìSherwood (1982)
566393p S (3rd Person Plural)ɡ͡bà, ìɡ͡bà is animate. ì is inanimate.Sherwood (1982)
566433d S (3rd Person Dual)ɡ͡bà, ìSherwood (1982)
5666912du P (1st (incl) Person Dual)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
5666512pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
5666612pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566781du O (1st (excl) Person Dual)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566741pl O (1st (excl) Person Plural)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566731pl P (1st (excl) Person Plural)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
5667012du O (1st (incl) Person Dual)ànɛ́Sherwood (1982)
566771du P (1st (excl) Person Dual)anɛSherwood (1982)
5666812pl A (1st (incl) Person Plural)àNSherwood (1982)
5667112du S (1st (incl) Person Dual)àNSherwood (1982)
5667212du A (1st (incl) Person Dual)àNSherwood (1982)
566751pl S (1st (excl) Person Plural)àNSherwood (1982)
566801du A (1st (excl) Person Dual)àNSherwood (1982)
566791du S (1st (excl) Person Dual)àNSherwood (1982)
5666712pl S (1st (incl) Person Plural)àNSherwood (1982)
566761pl A (1st (excl) Person Plural)àNSherwood (1982)