Short, D. 1993a. "Czech". In Comrie, Bernard and Greville G. Corbett (eds.), The Slavonic Languages. pp. 455-532. London; New York: Routledge.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
26581Czech3pl M A (3rd Person Plural Masculine)oni
26582Czech3pl M S (3rd Person Plural Masculine)oni
26583Czech3pl M O (3rd Person Plural Masculine)je
26584Czech3pl M P (3rd Person Plural Masculine)jejich
26585Czech3pl F A (3rd Person Plural Feminine)oni
26586Czech3pl F S (3rd Person Plural Feminine)oni
26587Czech3pl F O (3rd Person Plural Feminine)je
26588Czech3pl F P (3rd Person Plural Feminine)jejich
26589Czech3pl N A (3rd Person Plural Neuter)oni
26590Czech3pl N S (3rd Person Plural Neuter)oni
26591Czech3pl N O (3rd Person Plural Neuter)je
26592Czech3pl N P (3rd Person Plural Neuter)jejich
36246Czech3d A (3rd Person Dual)oni
36466Czech3d S (3rd Person Dual)oni
36694Czech3d O (3rd Person Dual)je
36914Czech3d P (3rd Person Dual)jejich
37126Czech3p A (3rd Person Plural)oni
37347Czech3p S (3rd Person Plural)oni
37574Czech3p O (3rd Person Plural)je
37792Czech3p P (3rd Person Plural)jejich
26557Czech3sg M A (3rd Person Singular Masculine)onon is the form for masculine animates and inantimate arguments, ono is the form for neuter arguments, and ona is the form for feminine arguments.
26558Czech3sg M S (3rd Person Singular Masculine)onon is the form for masculine animates and inantimate arguments, ono is the form for neuter arguments, and ona is the form for feminine arguments.
26559Czech3sg M O (3rd Person Singular Masculine)jehojeho, jej and ho are animate masculine forms. jej and ho are masculine inanimate forms. je, jej and ho are neter forms. ji is the feminine form.
26565Czech3sg N A (3rd Person Singular Neuter)onoon is the form for masculine animates and inantimate arguments, ono is the form for neuter arguments, and ona is the form for feminine arguments.
26566Czech3sg N S (3rd Person Singular Neuter)onoon is the form for masculine animates and inantimate arguments, ono is the form for neuter arguments, and ona is the form for feminine arguments.
26567Czech3sg N O (3rd Person Singular Neuter)jejjeho, jej and ho are animate masculine forms. jej and ho are masculine inanimate forms. je, jej and ho are neter forms. ji is the feminine form.