François, Alexandre. 2010. "The languages of Vanikoro: three lexicons and one grammar". In Bethwyn Evans (ed.), Discovering history through language: Papers in honour of Malcolm Ross (Pacific Linguistics 605). pp. 103-126. Canberra: Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
34463Teanu1du P (1st (excl) Person Dual)keba
34464Teanu1pl A (1st (excl) Person Plural)kupa
34466Teanu1pl O (1st (excl) Person Plural)kupa
34467Teanu1pl P (1st (excl) Person Plural)kupa
34471Teanu12du P (1st (incl) Person Dual)kia
34472Teanu12pl A (1st (incl) Person Plural)kiapa
34474Teanu12pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)kiapa
34475Teanu12pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)kiapa
34478Teanu2sg O (2nd Person Singular)eo
34479Teanu2sg P (2nd Person Singular)eo
34481Teanu2du S (2nd Person Dual)kela
34482Teanu2du O (2nd Person Dual)kela
34487Teanu2pl P (2nd Person Plural)kaipa
34488Teanu3sg M A (3rd Person Singular Masculine)ini
34490Teanu3sg M O (3rd Person Singular Masculine)ini
34491Teanu3sg M P (3rd Person Singular Masculine)ini
34494Teanu3sg F O (3rd Person Singular Feminine)ini
34495Teanu3sg F P (3rd Person Singular Feminine)ini
34497Teanu3sg N S (3rd Person Singular Neuter)ini
34498Teanu3sg N O (3rd Person Singular Neuter)ini
34502Teanu3du M O (3rd Person Dual Masculine)da
34503Teanu3du M P (3rd Person Dual Masculine)da
34505Teanu3du F S (3rd Person Dual Feminine)da
34506Teanu3du F O (3rd Person Dual Feminine)da
34509Teanu3du N S (3rd Person Dual Neuter)da
34510Teanu3du N O (3rd Person Dual Neuter)da
34421Tanema3sg M S (3rd Person Singular Masculine)nini
34420Tanema3sg M A (3rd Person Singular Masculine)nini
34419Tanema2pl P (2nd Person Plural)gamito
34418Tanema2pl O (2nd Person Plural)gamito
34417Tanema2pl S (2nd Person Plural)gamito
34451Tanema3pl F P (3rd Person Plural Feminine)dato
34450Tanema3pl F O (3rd Person Plural Feminine)dato
34452Tanema3pl N A (3rd Person Plural Neuter)dato
34411Tanema2sg P (2nd Person Singular)go
34448Tanema3pl F A (3rd Person Plural Feminine)dato
34410Tanema2sg O (2nd Person Singular)go
34409Tanema2sg S (2nd Person Singular)go
34447Tanema3pl M P (3rd Person Plural Masculine)dato
34412Tanema2du A (2nd Person Dual)gamile
34413Tanema2du S (2nd Person Dual)gamile
34414Tanema2du O (2nd Person Dual)gamile
34415Tanema2du P (2nd Person Dual)gamile
34416Tanema2pl A (2nd Person Plural)gamito
34449Tanema3pl F S (3rd Person Plural Feminine)dato
34453Tanema3pl N S (3rd Person Plural Neuter)dato
34408Tanema2sg A (2nd Person Singular)go
34407Tanema12pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)geto
34444Tanema3pl M A (3rd Person Plural Masculine)dato
34406Tanema12pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)geto