Harley | 2005 | Harley, Matthew W. (2005) A descriptive grammar of Tuwuli, a Kwa language of Ghana. School of Oriental and African Studies doctoral dissertation. | 48 |
Zaugg-Coretti | 2005 | Zaugg-Coretti, Silvia. (2005) Le syntagme nominal en Toussian du nord (langue voltaïque du Burkina Faso). Universität Zürich MA thesis. | 48 |
Broadwell | 2006 | Broadwell, George Aaron. 2006. A Choctaw Reference Grammar. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. | 47 |
Thieberger | 2006 | Thieberger, Nicholas. 2006 A Grammar of South Efate: An Oceanic Language of Vanuatu. USA: University of Hawaii Press. | 96 |
Thompson et al. | 2006 | Thompson, Sandra A., Joseph Sung-Yul Park and Charles N. Li. 2006. A reference grammar of Wappo. Berkeley: University of California Press. | 48 |
Jacob and Grimes | 2006 | Jacob, June and Charles Grimes. (2006) Developing a role for Kupang Malay: the contemporary politics of an eastern Indonesian creole. Paper presented by June Jacob at the 10th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics held in Puerto Princesa. Palawan, Philippines, January 2006. | 48 |
Andronov | 2006 | Andronov, Mikhail S. 2006. Brahui, A Dravidian Language. Munich: LINCOM Europa. | 48 |
Jukes | 2006 | Jukes, Anthony. 2006. Makassarese (basa Mangkasara'): A description of an Austronesian language of South Sulawesi. PhD thesis. University of Melbourne. | 76 |
Egenes | 2006 | Egenes, Thomas. 2006. Introduction to Sanskrit. Part One. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas Publishers. | 97 |
Yepi | 2006 | Yepi, Babo Alexis. (2006) Bakυɛwaklüüa-pɔɔkυ = Dictionnaire Bakυɛwii - Gögbiiwii, Bakwé-Français. Meagui, Côte d'Ivoire: Centre de Traduction et d'Alphabétisation en langue Bakwé. | 40 |
Gaby | 2006 | Gaby, Alice Rose. 2006. A Grammar of Kuuk Thaayorre. Doctoral Disertation. University of Melbourne. | 48 |
Georg | 2006 | Georg, Stefan. 2006. A Descriptive Grammar of Ket (Yenisei-Ostyak): Part 1: Introduction, Phonology, Morphology. Leiden: Brill. | 48 |
Wu | 2006 | Wu, Jing-lan Joy. 2006. Verb Classification, Case Marking, and Grammatical relations in Amis. PhD thesis. State University of New York at Buffalo. | 76 |
Cablitz | 2006 | Cablitz, Gabriele H. 2006. Marquesan: A Grammar of Space. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. | 48 |
van den Heuval | 2006 | van den Heuvel, Wilco. 2006. Biak: Description of an Austronesian language of Papua. Doctoral disseration. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. | 82 |
Sneddon | 2006 | Sneddon, James Neil. 2006. Colloquial Jakartan Indonesian. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, the Australian National University.
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Graczyk | 2007 | Graczyk, Randolph. 2007. A Grammar of Crow. Lincoln, Nebraska; London, United Kingdom: University of Nebraska Press. | 96 |
Breen and Blake | 2007 | Breen, Gavan, and Barry J. Blake. 2007. The grammar of Yalarnnga: A language of western Queensland. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. | 75 |
Roddy | 2007 | Roddy, Kevin M. 2007. A sketch grammar of Satawalese, the language of Satawal Island, Yap State, Micronesia. MA thesis. University of Hawai'i at Manoa. | 87 |
Plaisier | 2007 | Plaisier, Heleen. 2007. Grammar of Lepcha. Boston: Brill. | 48 |
Bradshaw | 2007 | Bradshaw, Robert. 2007. Fuyug grammar sketch (Data Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages 53). Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea: SIL-PNG Academic Publications. | 48 |
Castro | 2007 | Castro, Damaris. 2010. The noun phrase in Boruca: studying a recently extinct language. STUF - Language Typology and Universals 63. 196-220. Stockholm Germany: Akademie Verlag GmbH. | 48 |
Eckermann | 2007 | Eckermann, W. 2007. A descriptive grammar of teh Bukawa language of the Morobe Province of Papua New Guinea. 585. Pacific Linguistics: Canberra. | 48 |
Maïmouna | 2007 | Maïmouna Le Men, Fané. (2007) Parlons Lobiri. Paris: L'Harmattan. | 44 |
Harbert | 2007 | Harbert, Wayne. 2007. The Germanic languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. | 234 |
Musgrave | 2007 | Musgrave, Jill. 2007. A grammar of Neve'ei, Vanuatu. Pacific Linguistics:Canberra. | 48 |
Fedden | 2007 | Fedden, Sebastian. 2007. A grammar of Mian, a Papuan language of New Guinea. PhD thesis. University of Melbourne. | 395 |
Wilson | 2007 | Wilson, William André Auquier. (2007) Guinea Languages of the Atlantic group: description and internal classification (Schriften zur Afrikanistik 12). Frankfurt am Main: Lang. | 630 |
Kratochvíl | 2007 | Kratochvíl, František. 2007. A grammar of Abui: A Papuan language of Alor. PhD thesis. Leiden University. | 454 |
Wilner | 2007 | Wilner, John (ed.). 2007. Wortubuku fu Sranan Tongo: Sranan Tongo - English Dictionary. 5th edition. SIL International. Online: <http://www-01.sil.org/americas/suriname/Sranan/STEng.pdf>.
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Teng | 2007 | Teng, Stacy Fang-Ching. 2007. A reference grammar of Puyuma, an Austronesian language of Taiwan. PhD thesis. Australian National University. | 76 |
Heath | 2008 | Heath, Jeffrey. (2008) A grammar of Jamsay (Mouton Grammar Library 45). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. | 48 |
Borchers | 2008 | Borchers, Dörte. 2008. A Grammar of Sunwar: Descriptive Grammar, Paradigms, Texts and Glossary. Boston: Brill. | 48 |
Devos | 2008 | Devos, Maud. (2008) A grammar of Makwe (LINCOM Studies in African linguistics 71). München: Lincom Europa. | 48 |
Anonby | 2008 | Anonby, Erik John. (2008) Phonology and Morphology of Mambay (Niger-Congo, Adamawa). Leiden University doctoral dissertation. | 48 |
Adger et al. | 2008 | Adger, David, Daniel Harbour and Lauren Watkins. 2008. Mirrors and Microparameters: Phrase Structure Beyond Free Word Order. Online: <http://ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/000762/current.pdf>.
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Jung | 2008 | Jung, Ingrid 2008. Gramática del páez o nasa yuwe: descripción de una lengua indígena de Colombia. Lincom Eropa. | 48 |
Hoffner Jr and Melcher | 2008 | Hoffner Jr, Harry A. and H. Craig Melcher. 2008. A grammar of the Hittite language. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns. | 48 |
Coupe | 2008 | Coupe, Alec. 2007. A Grammar of Mongsen Ao. Berlin: Mouton. | 48 |
Seidel | 2008 | Seidel, Frank. 2008. A Grammar of Yeyi: A Bantu Language of Southern Africa. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. | 48 |
San Roque | 2008 | San Roque, Lila. 2008. An introduction to Duna grammar. PhD thesis. Australian National
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Wright | 2008 | Wright, J.L. 2008. Outline of Kikaonde Grammar. Lusaka, Zambia: Bookworld Publishers. | 48 |
SIL | 2008 | Equipe de la SIL. (2008) Grammaire élémentaire du Ninkãre. 2nd edn. Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso: Société Internationale de Linguistique. | 48 |
Dorvlo | 2008 | Dorvlo, Kofi. (2008) A Grammar of Logba (Ikpana). Universiteit Leiden doctoral dissertation. | 48 |
Lichtenberk | 2008 | Lichtenberk, Frantisek. 2008. A grammar of Toqabaqita. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. | 125 |
Elders | 2008 | Elders, Stefan. (2008) Grammaire kulango (parler de Bouna, Côte d'Ivoire) (Gur Monographs 10). Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. | 48 |
Guérin | 2008 | Guérin, Valérie M. P. R. 2008. Discovering Mav̋ea: Grammar, Texts, and Lexicon. PhD thesis. University of Hawai'i. | 115 |
de Rijk | 2008 | de Rijk, Rudolph P. G. 2008. Standard Basque: A Progressive Grammar. Volume 1: The Grammar. Cambridge: MIT Press.
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Aikhenvald | 2008 | Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. 2008. The Manambu language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. | 0 |
Baird | 2008 | Baird, Louise. 2008. A grammar of Klon: a non-Austronesian language of Alor, Indonesia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. | 259 |