219 | Meyah | Gravelle (2004) | |
190 | Moskona | Gravelle (2010) | Free |
667 | Burarra-ICR-RH | Green (1987) | |
692 | Burarra-ICR-LB | Green (1987) | |
664 | Burarra | Green, Rebecca (1987) | |
416 | Paraguayan Guaraní | Gregores and Suárez (1967) | Free |
156 | Malagasy, plateau | Griffiths (1854) | Free |
93 | Amarasi | Grimes et al. (2013) | Free |
176 | Mafea | Guérin (2008) | |
399 | Mavea | Guérin (2011) | Bound |
445 | Mewati | Gusain (2003) | Free |
208 | Adang: clean | Haan (2001) | |
168 | Adang | Haan (2001) | |
319 | Kurukh | Hahn (1911) | |
331 | Khmer (Central Dialect) | Haiman (2011) | Free |
173 | Loniu | Hamel (1985) | |
92 | Gothic | Harbert (2007) | Free |
96 | Frisian, Western | Harbert (2007) | Free |
95 | Danish | Harbert (2007) | Free |
568 | Tuwuli | Harley (2005) | Free |
441 | Maori | Harlow (1996) | Free |
292 | Moroccan Arabic | Harrell (1962) | |
89 | French | Harris (1988) | Free |
187 | Limilngan | Harvey (2001) | |
198 | Gaagudju | Harvey (2002) | |
695 | Guugu Yimidhirr | Haviland (1979) | Free |
321 | Arbore | Hayward (1984) | Free |
520 | Tunebo Central | Headland (1994) | |
196 | Ngandi | Heath (1978) | |
43 | Wandarang | Heath (1980a) | Free |
39 | Ritharngu | Heath (1980b) | Free |
47 | Mara | Heath (1981) | Free |
593 | Dogon, Jamsay | Heath (2008) | Free |
144 | Eipo | Heeschen (1998) | |
231 | Urim | Hemmilä and Luoma (1987) | |
228 | Kombio | Henry (1992) | |
569 | Adioukrou | Hérault (1978) | Free |
42 | Paakantyi | Hercus (1982) | Free |
122 | Arabana | Hercus (1994) | Free |
302 | Abkhaz | Hewitt (1979) | Free |
602 | Gangam | Higdon (2001) | Free |
437 | French (St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands Dialect) | Highfield (1979) | Free |
177 | Longgu | Hill (1992) | |
462 | Cupeño | Hill (2005) | Free |
338 | Cupeño | Hill (2005) | Free |
439 | Ratahan | Himmelmann (1999) | Free |
103 | Ngankikurungkurr | Hoddinott and Kofod (1988) | Free |
242 | Mende | Hoel et al. (1994) | |
273 | Awiakay | Hoenigman (2014) | |
313 | Old Hittite | Hoffner Jr and Melcher (2008) | Free |