Paradigm Details:

Language: (dmo) Kemedzung.


System Type: F

Source: Smoes (2010).

Comment: Possessive pronouns consist of a root and a prefix corresponding to one of 14 noun classes. The roots are provided here. The personal pronouns provided for A, S and O are those belonging to Noun Class 1 for humans.

Pronoun Paradigm:

  A S O Poss.
1st (excl) Person Singular mɨN˧ mɨN˧ mɨ˩ -e˩mɨ˥
1st (excl) Person Dual kə˧ kə˧ bɨ˩ -a˩ha˥
1st (excl) Person Plural kə˧ kə˧ bɨ˩ -a˩ha˥
1st (incl) Person Dual kə˧ kə˧ bɨ˩ -a˩ha˥
1st (incl) Person Plural kə˧ kə˧ bɨ˩ -a˩ha˥
2nd Person Singular wə˧ wə˧ wə˩ -ɔ˩hɔ˥
2nd Person Dual bə˧ bə˧ bəŋ˩ -e˩nɨ˥
2nd Person Plural bə˧ bə˧ bəŋ˩ -e˩nɨ˥
3rd Person Singular Gender 1 yo˧ yo˧ yo˩ -u˩hu˥
3rd Person Singular Gender 2 wu˧ wu˧ wu˧ -u˩hu˥
3rd Person Dual bɔ˧ bɔ˧ bɔ˧ -u˥bɔ˧
3rd Person Plural bɔ˧ bɔ˧ bɔ˧ -u˥bɔ˧