Paradigm Details:

Language: (ute) Ute-Southern Paiute.


System Type: F

Source: Givón (2011).

Comment: The language possesses distinct 3rd person pronouns for referents within the visible range of the speaker and those that are not visible to the speaker (Givón 2011:60-1). The pronouns used for visible 3rd person referents are listed below.

Pronoun Paradigm:

  A S O Poss.
1st (excl) Person Singular nɯʔ nɯʔ ˈnɯnaj -nɯ̥
1st (excl) Person Dual ˈnɯmɯ̥ ˈnɯmɯ̥ ˈnɯmɯj -nɯmɯ̥
1st (excl) Person Plural ˈnɯmɯ̥ ˈnɯmɯ̥ ˈnɯmɯj -nɯmɯ̥
1st (incl) Person Dual ˈtami ˈtami tami tami
1st (incl) Person Plural ˈtawi ˈtawi tawi tawi
2nd Person Singular ˈʔɯmɯ̥ ˈʔɯmɯ̥ ʔɯmɯj -mɯ̥
2nd Person Dual ˈmɯni̥ ˈmɯni̥ mɯnu -amɯ̥
2nd Person Plural ˈmɯni̥ ˈmɯni̥ mɯnu -amɯ̥
3rd Person Singular Gender 1 ˈmaas ˈmaas ˈmaaj ˈmaajas
3rd Person Singular Gender 2 ˈmaas ˈmaas ˈmaaj ˈmaajas
3rd Person Dual ˈmamɯ̥ ˈmamɯ̥ mamɯ mamɯas
3rd Person Plural ˈmamɯ̥ ˈmamɯ̥ mamɯ mamɯas