Paradigm Details:

Language: (mhl) Mauwake.


System Type: None

Source: Berghäll (2010).

Comment: Mauwake uses possessive prefixes for kinship terms. These prefixes are only differentiated for person, not for number. Free possessive pronouns are used for alienable possession. "It is possible to have either an unmarked or genitive pronoun as an additional possessive marker before an inalienably possessed noun (...), if it is used as a term of reference rather than term of address." (Berghäll 2010: 58). "In principle all the personal pronouns in Mauwake are used for humans only. In legends also spirits can be referred to by these pronouns since they sometimes act like humans and can take human form. There is no third person singular pronoun for non-humans." (ibid.: 82). "Since possession can be expressed by means of three different kinds of personal pronouns in Mauwake, I call the function possessive and the different grammatical forms genitive, dative and unmarked pronoun." (ibid.: 90). The forms with -na are the `genitive' forms; the forms that follow, in the possessive paradigms, are the unmarked and the dative pronouns respectively.

Pronoun Paradigm:

  A S O Poss.
1st (excl) Person Singular yo yo efa efar , y- , yena , yo
1st (excl) Person Dual (y)i (y)i yia y- , (y)i , yiar , yiena
1st (excl) Person Plural (y)i (y)i yia y- , (y)i , yiar , yiena
1st (incl) Person Dual (y)i (y)i yia y- , (y)i , yiar , yiena
1st (incl) Person Plural (y)i (y)i yia y- , (y)i , yiar , yiena
2nd Person Singular no no nefa n- , nefar , nena , no
2nd Person Dual ni ni nia n- , ni , niar , niena
2nd Person Plural ni ni nia n- , ni , niar , niena
3rd Person Singular Gender 1 (w)o (w)o ona , w- , wiar , (w)o
3rd Person Singular Gender 2 (w)o (w)o (w)o, ona, w-, wiar
3rd Person Dual wi wi wia w- , wi , wiar , wiena
3rd Person Plural w wi wia w- , wi , wiar , wiena