Osada, Toshiki. 1992. A Reference Grammar of Mundari. Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies: Tokyo.

Provided Lexicon:

IDLanguageWordEntrySource GlossAnnotationLoan
60018Mundari-ICR-LB12du A (1st (incl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60306Mundari-ICR-KQ12du A (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60457Mundari_ICR_TCC12du A (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60016Mundari-ICR-LB12du O (1st (incl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60304Mundari-ICR-KQ12du O (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60487Mundari_ICR_TCC12du O (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60015Mundari-ICR-LB12du P (1st (incl) Person Dual)aliŋaʔ
60303Mundari-ICR-KQ12du P (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋaʔ
60486Mundari_ICR_TCC12du P (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋaʔ
60017Mundari-ICR-LB12du S (1st (incl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60305Mundari-ICR-KQ12du S (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60488Mundari_ICR_TCC12du S (1st (incl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60014Mundari-ICR-LB12pl A (1st (incl) Person Plural)ale
60302Mundari-ICR-KQ12pl A (1st (incl) Person Plural)abu
60456Mundari_ICR_TCC12pl A (1st (incl) Person Plural)abu
60012Mundari-ICR-LB12pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)ale
60300Mundari-ICR-KQ12pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)abu
60484Mundari_ICR_TCC12pl O (1st (incl) Person Plural)abu
60011Mundari-ICR-LB12pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)aleaʔ
60299Mundari-ICR-KQ12pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)abuaʔ
60483Mundari_ICR_TCC12pl P (1st (incl) Person Plural)abuaʔ
60013Mundari-ICR-LB12pl S (1st (incl) Person Plural)ale
60301Mundari-ICR-KQ12pl S (1st (incl) Person Plural)abu
60485Mundari_ICR_TCC12pl S (1st (incl) Person Plural)abu
60026Mundari-ICR-LB1du A (1st (excl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60314Mundari-ICR-KQ1du A (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60459Mundari_ICR_TCC1du A (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60024Mundari-ICR-LB1du O (1st (excl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60312Mundari-ICR-KQ1du O (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60493Mundari_ICR_TCC1du O (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60023Mundari-ICR-LB1du P (1st (excl) Person Dual)alaŋaʔ
60311Mundari-ICR-KQ1du P (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋaʔ
60492Mundari_ICR_TCC1du P (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋaʔ
60025Mundari-ICR-LB1du S (1st (excl) Person Dual)alaŋ
60313Mundari-ICR-KQ1du S (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60494Mundari_ICR_TCC1du S (1st (excl) Person Dual)aliŋ
60022Mundari-ICR-LB1pl A (1st (excl) Person Plural)abu
60310Mundari-ICR-KQ1pl A (1st (excl) Person Plural)ale
60458Mundari_ICR_TCC1pl A (1st (excl) Person Plural)ale
60020Mundari-ICR-LB1pl O (1st (excl) Person Plural)abu
60308Mundari-ICR-KQ1pl O (1st (excl) Person Plural)ale
60490Mundari_ICR_TCC1pl O (1st (excl) Person Plural)ale
60019Mundari-ICR-LB1pl P (1st (excl) Person Plural)abuaʔ
60307Mundari-ICR-KQ1pl P (1st (excl) Person Plural)aleaʔ
60489Mundari_ICR_TCC1pl P (1st (excl) Person Plural)aleaʔ
60021Mundari-ICR-LB1pl S (1st (excl) Person Plural)abu
60309Mundari-ICR-KQ1pl S (1st (excl) Person Plural)ale
60491Mundari_ICR_TCC1pl S (1st (excl) Person Plural)ale
60030Mundari-ICR-LB1sg A (1st (excl) Person Singular)añ
60318Mundari-ICR-KQ1sg A (1st (excl) Person Singular)