Welcome to the Pronoun Paradigms Database, a Pronoun Paradigm Database.
This website is under active development.
Please contact Simon Greenhill for more information.
Pronoun Paradigms Database is a database of the Trans-New Guinea language family and friends. The Trans-New Guinea language family currently occupies most of the interior of New Guinea. This family is possibly the third largest in the world with 400 languages and is tentatively thought to have originated with root-crop agriculture around 10,000 years ago. However, vanishingly little is known about this family’s history.
This project aims to reveal the prehistory of New Guinea using the linguistic comparative method combined with novel computational phylogenetic methods.
This website is run by Simon Greenhill in the School of Culture, History and Language and College of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University.
Funding for this project was provided by an Australian Research Council «DECRA» Discovery Grant Discovering Trans-New Guinea: Revealing the prehistory of New Guinea (#DE120101954) to Simon Greenhill.
Map of the Trans-New Guinea Languages.